Snohomish fruit and vegetable farm

Skipley Farm sells fruit and vegetable plants and produce. For the mini-farm we have instruction and classes in food production, preservation and small farm planning. Our primary focus is tree fruits and nuts, berries, vegetables and creating sustainable small farm systems. Animals are part of the whole farm picture and becoming a larger part of our farm activities. Learn more about Skipley's next event by becoming a fan. 2016 we are offering a CSA pickup at the farm: small (one person)$480, large(2+)$960 and year-round we have both fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. Make your purchase before February 15th and save 5%, buy a 3 year full-year full-size share and save 10% 6 year full-year full-size share and save 20% 9 year full-year full size share and save 30% 15 year full-year full size share and save 40% .

NO GMO's All Organic PYO and CSA

NO GMO's All Organic PYO and CSA
See our website>mouse and click

Monday, February 15, 2016

Scionwood for sale

Choose scionwood from the list below. 1 scion should make 3 or 4   2-bud grafts. Prices $5 each variety; 2 = $9.00; 3 = $13; 4 = $17; 5=$20; 6 to 10 $3.50ea.;11 to 20 $3.00ea.
10 or more of one variety- order deadline February 1st, otherwise April 1st
Shipping is $8 for up to 10 scions. $0.25 each additional.
Rootstock choices are P22, Bud9, M27, M26, M111, Bud118, Quince A; Stock is all 1/4" except M26 and p22 is 3/16"  Prices are $3 each, 3 = $8, 6=$14, 10=$20, 20-39=$1.75 ea., 40+=$1.50 each; shipping=$22/up to 5, $1.00 each additional.
Bench grafted trees are $13 each, shipping is $24 up to 5 trees. $1.00 each additional
Bench double-grafted trees (w/interstem) are $22.50. We use B118 or EMLA111 rootstock with B9, Mark, P22 or EMLA 27 10-12" interstem.
2016, February 16th:
Akane, Alkmene, Ambrosia, Arkansas Black, Arkcharm, Ashmeads Kernel, Blue Pearmain, Belle de Boskoop, Ben Davis, Beni Shogun  ,Bramley's Seedling, Braeburn (Hillwell var.), Cameo, Chehalis, Cherry Cox, Claygate Pearmain, Crimson Crisp, Crimson Topaz or 'Topaz', Daliest, Ellison's Orange, Elstar, Empire, Esopus Spitzenburg, Fall Pippin, Fameuse(snow), Fiesta, Fortune, Gala, Gala(Ultima), Golden Russet, Hatsuaki,  Honeycrisp, Hudson's Golden Gem, Kidd's Orange-Red,  Nova Spy,  Tsugaru Homei, Twenty Ounce,   Gravenstein -15 cvs., Jonagold, Jonagold de Coster, Jonamac, Jonathan, Karmijn de Sonneville,  King of Tompkins Cty., Liberty, Lodi, Macoun, Mcintosh, Melrose, Mother, Mutsu, Newtown Pippin, Pinata (pinova, sonata, corail), Pixie Crunch, Pristine, Redfree, Rubinette, Sansa, Sept. Wonder, Silken, Spartan, Spigold, Summerred/Paulared, Staymen Winesap, Suncrisp, Wealthy, William's Pride, Winesap, Winter Banana, , Whitney Crabapple, Wolf River, Zabergau Reinette, Zestar!,.
Pears: Abate Fetel 11,Bartlett 100, Bosc 20, Comice, Flemish Beauty, Orcas, Packham's Triumph 10, Rescue 11,  Ubileen22,
Cherries: 12 varieties and availability on 2/6/16>Compact Stella,3; Early Burlat,2; Glacier,15; Hartland,7; Kristin,3; Lapins,150; Montmorency,19; Skeena,13; Stella,17; Surefire,17;Van,20; Vandalay,13  priced as above.
Plums: Shiro26,Ersinger12,Toka8, Reine de Mirabelle, Italian, Seneca, Coes Golden Drop, Blue Damson, Shropshire, Purple Gage, Bavay's Gage Priced as above
Grapes-15 varieties>3 bud cuttings same as scionwood pricing;> wine> Madeleine Angevine, Regent, Seigerrebe, Agria, Dornfelder; Seedless Table Grapes: Jupiter, Einset, Canadice, Interlaken, Delight, Glenora, Venus, Mars, Sweet Shelly, Lakemont; Seeded Grapes: Campbell's Early, Alden
Black Currant cuttings in Nov-Dec, same pricing as scionwood (above), Plants (bareroot) 1-2 year old $14, 3 for $30, 7 varieties>Consort, Ben Lomond, Ben Sarek, Black September, Blackdown, Slitsa, Hilltop Baldwin, Titania, Crandall's (Ribes odorata)
Gooseberry cuttings in Nov-Dec, same pricing as scionwood (above),6 varieties>Hinomaki Red, Invicta, Red George, Black Velvet, Lepaan Punainen, Captivator, others>Jostaberry, Rovada and Cherry (reds)
Blueberry plants-Bluecrop, Blueray, Spartan, Chandler, Patriot, Top Hat, Pink Lemonade, Burgundy 1 gallon$14 to b&b $85, 2gal (24"-36") $24, 4gal $32;
Brambles plantlets- varieties inc 'Jewel' Blackcap, Tayberry, Raspberry 'Anne'-golden everbearing, 'Caroline'- red everbearing, 'Tulameen'-late, giant July bearing, Blackberry>'Triple Crown', huge and very productive, 'Boysen', 'Marion',best tasting, Bareroot Nov through March >Tip-Starts minimum 5 $22, $4 each additional
Other Berries: plants Elderberries>'Nova' and 'York', Aronia, Serviceberry4-6 feet, $32 ea. 'Coles Select', 'Prince William', 'Princess Diana';  1 and 2 gal $13,$21 Goumi/Autumn Olive, Shipova, Cranberry-4"$7 and 1gal $14 'Pilgrim', 'WSU', 'Stevens'; Goumiberry (NA until June) Strawberries- 1gal Albion and Seascape $5, 10/$25
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