Snohomish fruit and vegetable farm

Skipley Farm sells fruit and vegetable plants and produce. For the mini-farm we have instruction and classes in food production, preservation and small farm planning. Our primary focus is tree fruits and nuts, berries, vegetables and creating sustainable small farm systems. Animals are part of the whole farm picture and becoming a larger part of our farm activities. Learn more about Skipley's next event by becoming a fan. 2016 we are offering a CSA pickup at the farm: small (one person)$480, large(2+)$960 and year-round we have both fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. Make your purchase before February 15th and save 5%, buy a 3 year full-year full-size share and save 10% 6 year full-year full-size share and save 20% 9 year full-year full size share and save 30% 15 year full-year full size share and save 40% .

NO GMO's All Organic PYO and CSA

NO GMO's All Organic PYO and CSA
See our website>mouse and click

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Voles in Apple Trees

Many thousands of voles are now eating roots wholesale. I am in the dirt today to recover what I can of the thousand trees that they have chewed.
Good, no rain day!